One of the main questions we get asked is “why do I need a Maintenance Package; I have a warranty on my system”? While this is true, like your cars warranty if you don’t maintain the vehicle the manufacturer doesn’t honor the warranty. Because of this, Outdoor Lighting Experts has developed our custom Maintenance Packages each designed around the needs and budget of the client.

Maintaining your Lighting Systems are an important aspect of keeping your system in top working order. Properly maintained, your LED Lighting System will always provide you with the Outdoor Sanctuary you had when it was installed.

What Does My Maintenance Package Include

Full Diagnostic Inspection of System

We check out the entire system starting with the transformer doing voltage and amperage checks on it to insure it’s operating properly. Then we move to each fixture inspecting for damage, checking voltage, replacing bad lamps or bad fixtures (fixture replacement depends on the package chosen).

Check Wiring – Bury Exposed Wire

During the installation process, Outdoor Lighting Experts always installs our cables to ensure proper burial and use other safeguards to ensure connections aren’t pulled apart but with changes to landscape and weather conditions sometimes our wires get exposed, cut or damage to connections. This is all checked and buried or repaired as needed at each visit.

Fixture Cleaning and Adjusting  

Because of the climate we experience here in Florida and our water used for sprinkling landscapes, fixtures and lenses tend to get calcium, lime and algae build-up on them. We clean both and apply coating to lens and a coating on fixtures to help slow this process down to keep your fixtures functioning properly. While doing this, we also re-aim the fixture and level them if possible so you continue to get the results and effect we designed for you from the start.

Trim Foliage from Fixtures

Like the build-ups on the fixture deters the fixture from doing its job, so does the foliage that grows around them. Here in Florida the foliage basically grows year-round and if not kept pruned away from fixtures, the light will not be able to shine as it was meant to and your system will not look its best. Foliage blocking the fixtures will definitely hinder the way your system was design to bring the outdoor living space indoors. This is all taken care of with each visit.

Service Calls

With all of our Maintenance Packages we include unlimited service calls throughout the year. This ensures your system stays in top working order.